ASM anti ship missile in South East Country (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand..)

Singapore :
Now, Singapore operated ASM below :
1. Boeing Harpoon : Operated By Singapore Navy and Singapore Air Force, installled in La Fayette (Formidablle) class frigate

1. Exocet MM49,49 and 40 block 2
2.Brahmos (in negotation process)
3. OTOMAT Mk2 : instaled on Laksamana Class Fregate
4. Boeing AGM-84D Harpoon
5. Sea Skua : installed in their Linx helicopter

Indonesia :
1. C802 ( being evaluated, not yet installed)
2. Yakhont ( in installation process)
3. Exocet

1. Boeing Harpoon : Installed on Naresuan Class
3. C-802

Phillipine didnt operate ASW


We can se from the list above that Malaysian Navy is the navy in south east asia that operated more type ASW. RMN (Royal Malaysia Navy) colected the latest fancy stuff from western block, if we compare with another country RMN is the only sea skua operator.

Singapore, with their close relatonship with USAand Israel, only use ASW from USA. I think this is ultimate choice for thir needs, because different with their neighbour country, specially Indonesia, singapore didnt has any relationship problem with USA and Israel, so singapore far from weapon embargo such of experienced by the Indonesian. Harpoon is the best ASW in the world, even for export type. Its combat proven, sea skimming and has ECCM capability.Maybe base on this argumen that push Malaysian operated so many type of ASW.

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